Toekomst Joaquim Rodriguez neemt verrassende wending

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Toekomst Joaquim Rodriguez neemt verrassende wending

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Joaquim Rodriguez kondigde na de Ronde van Frankrijk zijn afscheid als profrenner al aan, maar kwam daar later op terug. Hij zou 2017 rijden bij Bahrain-Merida, maar nu kwam er opnieuw een wending.

Hij kondigde immers zopas op sociale media opnieuw zijn afscheid aan. "Ik merkte dat het niet mogelijk was om terug te keren op mijn topniveau", aldus de Spaanse renner op Instagram. "Ik heb dan ook besloten dat het beter is dat ik niet terugkeer."

"Ik wil het team Lampre-Merida bedanken, zij gaven me alle nodige faciliteiten om terug te keren." 'Purito' gaat bij Lampre-Merida nu een rol in de technische staf innemen en de jongeren steunen. "Ik wil mijn ervaring doorgeven."

After taking my time to think, and trying to come back to a working routine, I realised it is not possible for me. That's why I have taken, with the help of my family and friends, the decision of not coming back to the competition. I would like to say thank you to all those supporters that pushed me to come back; I am honoured and you really made my decision a difficult one, but I believe it's better not to come back if I am not sure of being able to do it at the top level. Of course, a big thank you also to the team Baharain -Merida. They believed in me, they gave me all the facilities for a return, but I realised, speaking with them, that I am not prepared physically, and mentally, for a come back at 100%. I prefer to say this now, before the start of the new season, because the riders are the protagonists. They deserve the attention. I will work in the future for the team Baharain-Merida, trying to help and trasmit all my experience to the young riders in the team. It is a big challenge, thank you. I hope I can continue as proud as I am with my 17 years of cycling career in my new role. Having that special feeling I have with cycling and cycling fans. And as I said when I said good bye in the past Tour the France, Thank you to cycling, you are, and always will be, the best thing that happened in my life. Thank you everyone Joaquin Purito Rodriguez

Een foto die is geplaatst door Joaquin Rodriguez Oliver (@puritocycling) op

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