28 jaar en al op pensioen? Deze renner denkt daar anders over

Sander De Graeve
Sander De Graeve
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28 jaar en al op pensioen? Deze renner denkt daar anders over
Foto: © photonews

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De Clásica San Sebastian, die hij niet uitreed, werd de allerlaatste koers van Andrew Talansky. De Amerikaan hing op 28-jarige leeftijd al de fiets aan de haak.

Maar helemaal stoppen met topsport, dat zat er niet in. Talansky gaat zich helemaal op het triatlon storten en mikt op deelname aan de Iron Man van Hawaï. Dat maakte hij bekend op Instagram.

After a short, restful break, I’m officially un-retired and ready to share my next chapter! Growing up in Florida I swam and ran cross country competitively before picking up cycling. See where this is headed? Triathlon, and what’s often considered the ultimate test of mind, body, and spirit: Ironman. Most often in life we are pulled towards the logical path, but I've always preferred to let my heart and intuition lead me. I’m fortunate to be able to follow my passion--that which inspires and motivates me--and take on the challenge of venturing into the unknown. As I enter the world of Triathlon and Ironman I’ll be supported by a great group of partners who share my values, excitement, and commitment to this new adventure. I am also looking forward to using this platform to further my work with charitable causes that I feel strongly about. With much to learn I’ll be in Hawaii checking out #IMKONA next week. Please say hi if you see me swimming, riding, running or out and about with my family and I hope you’ll follow along here to share in the journey. #ironmantri #roadtokona

Andrew Talansky (@andrewtalansky) op

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